Our Mission Statement is: The Sahara Clinic exists to bring health and wellness to humanity one person at a time, with the emphasis of using kinesiology.

We specialize in natural, holistic, alternative medicine, with Chiropractic Kinesiology. With the help of Dr. Darrick Sahara’s skill in Applied Kinesiology (AK), the patient has a clear cut approach towards improvement in optimal health. Dr. Sahara has been personally taught and mentored by the top doctors of Chiropractic, Alternative Natural Health and Applied Kinesiology, which includes Timothy Francis, D.C., D.I.B.A.K., F.I.C.A., D.H. (Las Vegas, NV), Evan Mladenoff, D.C., D.I.B.A.K., F.I.C.A. (Kansas City, KS), Robert Blaich, D.C., D.I.B.A.K. (Colorado), Wally Schmidt, D.C., D.I.B.A.K., (North Carolina) and John Diamond, M.D. (New York).

Dr. Sahara has over 600 hours certification in Applied Kinesiology and has passed his AK laboratory proficiency examination in Chicago (2003). He is currently completing his Diplomate in A.K. In addition, Dr. Sahara completing his Masters in Homeopathy from the British Institute of Homeopathy.

Applied Kinesiology (AK)

What is Chiropractic Kinesiology? It is a specific holistic form of natural healing, involving manual muscle testing (kinesiology), as a means to diagnose your health concern or problem.

Applied Kinesiology uses manual muscle testing. When needed, x-ray analysis, blood tests, urine analysis, orthopedic evaluation, clinical nutrition and neurological examination are also used to diagnose the cause(s) of the patient’s problem, dysfunction, disease and/or emotional disturbance.

AK evaluates dysfunctional problems that are creating injury or illness. The AK examination is like no other. It evaluates the patient’s entire body for optimal performance and true wellness. AK takes a deep look at functional problems involving neurology, biochemistry, endocrinology, human physiology as well as the skeletal muscular system.

Health is not just being pain-free, but true health and wellness is feeling well at a structural/physical level as well as a mental/emotional level.

· Are you living in fear, uncertainty and/or pain?
· Are you always sick or have the fear of becoming sick?
· Do you have a doctor who is concerned with your entire well-being and takes your whole body into consideration…not just specific areas?
· Are you an athlete that wants the best care possible to recover from injury faster or maximize your performance legally and safely?
· Are you a person who wants answers and a game plan for a solid solution?
· Are you of just being a number?
· Are you tired of sitting in the waiting room for hours just to see the doctor for 10 minutes?
· Are you tired of just receiving mediocre healthcare that involves taking a pill or receiving invasive illogical surgery to take of symptoms?
· Are you tired of weird or dangerous side-effects?
***If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then you have found the appropriate doctor and clinic.
Traditional medicine involves only evaluating pathological diseases or syndromes. Medical practitioners then try to treat the problem with invasive, dangerous drugs or surgery. Sometimes drugs and surgery are appropriate and necessary. However, many times Dr. Sahara feels that allopathic medicine (drug therapy) is not the correct procedure, first option or therapy to take altogether.

The drug manufacturer Eli Lilly states, “A drug without a side effect is not a drug at all.” Ask yourself, “Does taking artificial drug therapy or allopathic medicine and being at risk of side effects and addiction make any sense?” Wouldn’t you want something more natural, safer, quicker, effective, and permanent?

Our Clinic

At the Sahara Clinic it is just you and the doctor, one on one. The clinic is small, personal, private and creates a peaceful environment necessary for true healing. It is not cold, septic and hospital-like. You are never just a number. You will never be greeted by a front office personnel who has an “I don’t care” personality.

At the clinic, there are no nurses or assistants. You will be treated with respect, happiness, kindness, understanding, patience and a loving spirit. The clinic treats celebrities, musicians, entertainers, professional athletes and people like you and me. You just need to come in with an open mind and a sincere desire to get well quickly, safely and naturally.

The Clinic is one-of-a-kind! The Sahara Clinic prides itself on being cutting edge, innovative and unique. Many wonderful and miraculous events happen at the clinic. Dr. Sahara has various detoxification therapies, energetic medicine such as meridian therapy (acupressure), homeopathy, cold laser, ionic bio-cleanse foot baths, specific glandular and clinical nutrition, cranial-sacral therapy and specific chiropractic kinesiology treatment.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

The clinic now has hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). HBOT can be used to help treat severe neurological problems such as cerebral palsy, autism, intense migraines, strokes, some types of cancer involving irradiation, infection, slow tissue healing problems, skin afflictions, athletic injury, fatigue recovery and legal optimal athletic treatment.

Terrell Owens, Gilbert Arenas, Willie Shields, Daylon McCutheon and Steve McNair are some of the professional athletes that have been known to use HBOT for accelerated injury recovery and maximal athletic performance. Why wait six weeks to heal when you can possibly recover in three weeks or less? At the Sahara Clinic, HBOT is available with the safest equipment on the market. This therapy is usually very expensive in many major cities and countries, but is made available at the best, most affordable price in the Los Angeles Area. Oxidative therapies such as HBOT are safe, non-invasive, and extremely effective.


“The term Holism coined by Gen. J.C. Smuts (1870-1950) to designate the tendency in nature to produce wholes (i.e. bodies or organisms) from the ordered grouping of unit structures… The whole-making holistic tendency, or Holism, operating in and through particular wholes, is seen at all stages of existence.”

In his ebook, “Holism And Beyond” by Dr. Diamond states:

“This is what I try to feel about a sufferer. This is what I mean by seeing him holistically. This is not just doing acupuncture on him or any other particular technique as a part of the rubric nowadays called holistic medicine. It is seeing every aspect of him as a whole. He is a whole, and all his functions within him are little wholes summating to this whole which is him within wholeness of his existence within the wholeness of Existence. And in order to be able to help him, you have to help him to see himself within the wholeness of his existence in the wholeness of Existence.”

Our goal is to help enlighten and transform sick patients through true holistic, natural, non invasive, alternative medicine using Applied Kinesiology to empower patients to heal and recover quickly and completely!