Our mission at Sahara Clinic is simply to serve you. We provide excellent chiropractic care to help our patients reach and exceed their health goals. We assess the patient as a whole. We want to address the main concern, but also lead you into a lifestyle of being pain free. We do all of this by offering an evidence-based approach to chiropractic care by utilizing chiropractic manipulation, soft-tissue techniques, therapeutic rehabilitation, and a variety of chiropractic services to help achieve your health goals.

Call us today at (626) 796-6830 to request an appointment!

Dr. Darrick E. Sahara

Dr. Darrick E. Sahara has witnessed countless, miraculous, healing events, serving as a holistic doctor. His understanding of the body and its ability to heal itself began with his own life-changing recovery from cancer 20 years ago. It was this profound experience that led him to his current specialty.

Dr. Sahara works with patients from all walks of life. It is his belief that each human being is unique in mind, body and spirit. Therefore, each patient requires a focused individual treatment plan.

The Sahara Clinic’s holistic practice includes a combination of Total Kinesiology (TK), Applied Kinesiology (AK), Total Body Modification (TBM), Natural Healing Systems (NHS), Neural Emotional Technique (NET) and Chiropractic. The doctor also implements clinical nutrition, supplementation, homeopathy, and herbs to treat patients with specific needs.

Dr. Sahara is a multi-disciplinary chiropractic kinesiologist, licensed in California and Kansas. He is Board Certified in Applied Kinesiology, and is currently working to complete the diplomate program at the International College of Applied Kinesiology – USA (ICAK – USA). In 1996, he received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Southern California (USC), majoring in Exercise Science (Kinesiology). Afterward, he graduated from the Southern California University of Health Science, Los Angeles College of Chiropractic (LACC). Prior to becoming a chiropractic kinesiologist, Dr. Sahara attended USC School of Dentistry for three years. This dental experience provides invaluable insight when handling TMJ problems (jaw-joint pain), headaches, sinus infections, migraines, neck and facial pain and other cranial problems, including concussions.

Dr. Sahara has taught a “Sports Nutritional” Seminars for Biotics Research of Southern California. He has also taught for Standard Process. Currently, he speaks to a multitude of companies and organizations regarding optimal health and nutrition. Dr. Sahara also provides a free health class once a month to anyone interested in learning more about his approach to a healthy, holistic lifestyle. Interested parties need only contact the Sahara Clinic for more details.

While Dr. Sahara takes pride and interest in his academic advancements, his most prized credential is his willingness to think outside of the box, and implement strategies for his patients. He fulfills his life’s purpose by providing excellence in holistic healthcare.

Dr. Sahara In The News


SGV Trojan Club Recap

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Dr. Darrick Sahara’s Case Study Papers